i'm more of anxious; scared to update myself of what transpired upon my absence.the past two weeks had been hell-ish for me.i never had a good night sleep since "vacation" day.
my body has also been functioning really weird lately. on an average, i sleep only 5-6 hours a day.(blame it on my defective digestive system).i get up in the middle of the night to do some bathroom business, which should normally occur in the morning, after breakfast or before i shower (am i grossing you out already?)
i have this vein at the back of my head that have unusually been swelling for three weeks now. it throbs every now and then too.
my skin is flaky,due to lack of sleep.
my hands and feet are unusually cold, and my hair is drying out.
woke up at 5:00 am. brother borrowed 100 bucks from me. tried to catch my sleep but to no avail.filed my nails and accidentally scratched my forehead.finished my financial statement at 9:00am.went to school to meet up with my president and auditor. edited minor details. feet got soaked due to rain. found out that i averaged 1.94.planned to file complaint vs. MS. CALACA.
found out at 7:00pm that financial statement was not signed because no receipts were present.wen to bed at 9:00 pm,actually slept at around 2:00am.
woke up at 7:00am.had to be in school by ten.printed a 24-page report.got scolded by father for "not contributing to society". passed resceipts at around 11.went home at 12. flat-iron-ed my hair, but got frizzy after an hour. asked permission from bong if i could go to a friend's party at 9:00pm. boyfriend said "no", so i went.got in a fight by 12:00 midnight.played "in the middle" with highschool friends.lost by P25.00.got a cab at 1:30.home by 1:45.fought with boyfriend on the phone for 1 1/2 hours.set alarm at 6:00am.slept at around 3.
turned alarm off at 6am.got out of bed at 6:30.woke up with a bitter taste of spoiled beer in my mouth and with hair smelling like a chimney.got my things ready and got out of the door by 8:00am.went straight to bong's place and afterwards, left for remedios resort at 10.swam like there's no tomorrow.got home at 9:00pm.slept at around 2.
woke up at 8am.went to school at 9.brought additional jacket orders.kids got pissed at me because good god! it's already summer.rained like crazy at around 11am.had a freshman call me fat.shoved him hard and asked him to apologize.jared just laughed at my face (that bastard) .got home at 1pm.
9th month-sary.planned to go out with bong, but got lazy and just had him go over my place.went out to buy a new watch, a pink top, new earrings and shawarma.bought the dvd "just friends" and 2 huge packs of fish crackers.watched movie at the living room.movie was not lame...just boring.watched the simpson's at 6pm.bong got home at 6:30.
zech called. asked me to bring P850.00 for refund.wanted to cancel meeting but zech left already.checked my mail at 12:00nn.found out that it was too late for me to file a complaint already.found out that wowowee was back on air.will be leaving for schoo at around 2.can't wait to go home and bore myself to death.
i need to get a life.(and vitamins too.)